Here is the deal, USPS has only made 320 mail boxes that are to be placed in high traffic areas. So if you live in East Bubblebuck Kansas, chances are they are not bringing it to your area.
Our wonderful city of Norfolk, VA has one! It is located on 315 Granby Street. Of course, your favorite blogger took the padawan learners down there to take some reflections. After talking to my Sith mistress, she is still imposing her Imperial no showing the babies on the net rule. So I had to leave those out. But here are some pics of self doing his thing.

Here I am doing the regular pose. Picture courtesy of my daughter...

Of course, I had to do the freeze. I can still hold it. I am still the handstand king of Hampton Roads.... I held that for like ten seconds. WHAT!
Jealous...I gotta see if we got one...most likely they figured D.C. would be close enough.
I am sure DC got more than one. they are looking for places with high traffic areas ... so YOU KNOW DC is in there.
Great stuff, Brother Omi! Now if I can just find one in the Phoenix area...
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