Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Noticias and a point to make...

If you can, pick up the latest Star Wars Insider. They have a great article on Mandolarian culture AND a nice piece on what audiences will see now that the saga is complete. It's an ill piece that makes you think. What made the original trilogy so dope was the fact that there was so much mystery and Lucas held back much information. It made the prequels exciting for us when we watched it. but what about people who were born after the original trilogy? Or those who saw the prequels first (I know folks like that).

I can't count my son because his mother, his uncle, and I kind of like conditioned him to be a Star Wars fan from our perspective. So like us, the mystery kept him hooked. BUt it's an ill take. What do you think?

Update on TV series :

From, ( interview with Lucasfilm's Steve Sansweet over at )

Steve Sansweet: We're doing it in two phases. The first is Star Wars animation, which is CG 3-dimensional animation, like a Toy Story, that takes place during the period of the Clone Wars that takes place between Episodes 2 and 3. And that we're setting for Fall of 2007. Preproduction is underway, we're doing animation test, people are working on initial scripts. So we're well under way on that. And George is very much taking hand and is very much part of the whole process. I know some people thought maybe he would just hey "hey, go do it," but George is Star Wars and he's always gonna be very closely involved in this.The other project is live action, and the live action is going to take place between Episode 3 and Episode 4. We're looking at a 1 hour show and [Producer] Rick McCallum has said the ideal would be to come up with 100 hours to really get into the story line and characters, and that's the direction we're going in. So that is really targeted more towards the end of the decade."

It's on!!!!


Revisiting Jar Jar Binks....

Unfortunately, white SW fans don't get our beef with Jar Jar Binks. Of course, they agree that his character was plain wack but they don't get the idea that for us, it's a throwback to minstrel shows. the white SW fans didn't peep that his accent was West Indian. Lucas, who considers himself racially sensitive and he does his thing, couldn't understand it either. Of course, he was trying to make a cute hero for the kiddies but the true fans of SW who are mostly parents now would have taken to see their babies ANYWAY.

the other day I ran into this white SW fan and he brought up the Jar Jar Binks situation. I tried to convey to him the racial implications of it but he did not get it. I left forced to being satisfied that we both agreed it was wack and a huge mistake that Lucas made (he is human right).

THe crazy thing is that he is played by Ahmed Best who is now playing lead for a jazz fusion band. I feel like booking his band, then getting the entire audience to just boo him....


Amadeo said...

Consider that most white folks thinks since slavery is over it shouldn't be an issue anymore...when the ripples continue to spread.

Jdid said...

not surprising they dont get jar jar.

Inside Man said...

Did you guys get to read Outbound Flight yet??

Unknown said...

not yet. coming up

Anonymous said...

Lol. Was Jar Jar black? hmmm I think not! Just the actor that plays him. Have you ever been to the west Indies? Or heard a west Indies accent? Didn't Boss Nass talk the same way as Jar Jar? Boss Nass being played by white actor Brian Blessid. Do u think any one would have thought of jar jar differently if he was played by a white actor? I think people see what they want to see in movies, and what your talking about I dont see at all. Jar Jar the Gungan's were crap characters, don't make it racial thing!. I am White, should I take offence that all at the storm troopers because they are white soldiers of the empire and the empire being a facist regime?
I agree that there is still racism in the world but fueling the fire with comments like "white SW fans don't get our beef with Jar Jar Binks" isn't gonna help. I find that a bit offensive. Am I not aloud to comment in your blog because its "star wars for coloured folks"? Racists don't just come in the colour of white you know! Hell I wasn't a slave trader so don’t take it out on me. We are all one race, the human race! Spread peace and Love Bro!